Your Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) is the qualification you will require in order to take up flying as a career. If you are interested in flying for an Airline in the future, it is the gateway to your Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).
For you to qualify as a CPL candidate you will need the following:
A valid PPL and Night Rating.
A valid Class I Medical Certificate.
A minimum age of 18 years or older.
A minimum of 200 Flying Hours
A minimum of 5 take-offs and landings by night with an Instructor.
A General Radio Licence
To have passed the following 8 SACAA written examinations:
Human Performance
Air Law
Aircraft Technical and General
Radio Aids
Flight PlanningNavigation
Minimum of 100 hours flying as Pilot-in-Command.
Minimum of 40 hours Instrument Training (of which 20 hrs may be on a simulator).
Minimum of 5 night flying hours as PIC.
Attended the Commercial Ground School.
Commercial test preparation.
A requirement for the CPL is to attend a Ground School on all of the above-mentioned subjects and to pass their applicable SACAA Examinations.
You must also pass a Practical Flying Test with a Grade I, Designated Flight Examiner (DE) assigned by the SACAA.
The CPL will, on average, take you between 10 to 12 months to complete if done on a full-time basis. However, you have 36 months to complete your training after writing and passing the last subject Examination.
The hour building stage toward the 100 hours PIC requirement can be completed at extremely competitive prices on our fleet of aircraft.